Archive for the ‘game’ Category

How to Beat Video Game Addiction

January 20, 2009

Video games are great fun, and sometimes it’s ok to go on a “gaming binge.” At some point, though, you need to stop yourself. When that time has come, admit that you’ve got a problem and cut it out completely.

  • Admit you have a problem– As cliche or cheesy as it may sound, the first step to recovery is to admit to yourself and others that you have a problem. Use the beginning sentence of this article as a starter.
  • Identify the problem Is it a particular game that you’re addicted to? Is it a genre of games? Be sure to find out exactly what it is that you’re addicted to.
  • Identify the triggers Triggers are mental and physical cues that cause you to want to indulge in your addiction, namely play games. Try and figure out what kind of things makes you want to play video games. Maybe its a particular website that you go to online that starts your video gaming frenzy. Maybe it’s being around certain people that make you crave a game or two. Do your best to figure out what kind of triggers make you want to play games.
  • Plan out your recovery Quitting video games cold turkey might seem like the best way to stop your addiction, but in reality, most people fail trying to quit completely. Your best plan would be to gradually wean yourself away from video games. Make yourself an ending date of when you want to be completely free from video games. Then, create steps to that ending date, with mini-goals that you want to achieve. For example, instead of playing for 20+ hours a week, try cutting it down to 18+ hours a week, and so on. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t reach your goals! Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your addiction won’t go away overnight.
  • Carry out your plan Start working on executing your plan. If you find out that your plan is too hard, then ease it up a bit. If you discover that your ending date happens to be the release date of Starcraft 2, postpone your ending date so you can indulge instead of potentially becoming an addict again. Whatever you do, be flexible with your options, but stick to your plan at all costs.

There is a video game addiction clinic in the Netherlands.

Browser Based (Online) Multiplayer Games

January 14, 2009
gaia game Gaia Online
Gaia is a web browser based online world in which you can create your own character. The possibilities are endless, become a miner, fisher, warrior. Or just have a chat with the other online players!
trickster game Trickster Online
Trickster online is a free to play realtime mmorpg in which you can create your own character and join a huge online world.
link Mini Golf
Crush the competition with this multiplayer mini golf simulator with 36 holes to play. You can meet and challenge other players in the online lobby. The game itself is colorfull, easy to use and offers online chat to keep in touch with your opponent.
link Bomberman Online
A topdown action game where you have to blow up the bricks and ofcourse your opponents. This bomberman version supports up to 4 players and can be played over the internet! yes, against real people like you! Pick up special powerups to enhance your bombs.
link Graal Online
This is the online version of Graal Online. With its classis topdown view it looks a bit like Zelda. In this multiplayer world you can meet other online players, talk with them or adventure together. You can use the bottom text bar to chat with the other online players.
link Tank Ball
Tank ball is a realtime 3D tank battle where you can fight against people all over the world. The tank will be viewed in tail view with hover-over names of you and the other players.

Important note: type your name in the box and press play to start the game.

link Pasi World
Pasi world is a friendly chatroom where you can meet and challenge other players to play the following mini games: tic tac too, battleships, minigolf, checkers, Othello and Memory. You will be playing against other people, from all over the world.
link Honey Switch
Use the cursor to switch two blocks. Remove the blocks by aligning three or more matching blocks.
link Multiplayer Stickman
Multiplayer stickman is an 24/7 online battle that you could be joining now, find a weapon and eliminate the other online players. The game has a topdown view and many types of weapons such as swords, shotguns, machineguns and even bazookas.
zwok multiplayer game Zwok Multiplayer
Battle against other people on the internet. Zwok is an online multiplayer flash game where you battle with zwoks. The multiplayer game ‘zwok’ has a central chat lobby where you can meet and chat other multi players on the internet, once you found a challenge prepare for a zwok multiplayer game!
link Endless Online
Join the 2d isometric online world Endless Online, and meet many other people from all over the world.
link Tanx

online players from all over the world are waiting for you to join.
link 8-Ball Pool

online players from all over the world are waiting for you to join.
link Club Penguin
A funny multiuser chat game where you control a penguin in a interactive world, you can earn coins, chat with the other online penguins, play mini games etc. Unfortunatly you need to a subscription to spend your hard earned coins. Still, this game is very funny and hours of fun.
Honorable Mention:

Fun With Physics? Fantastic Contraption FTW! – Time Waster

August 7, 2008

I suffered through two years of physics in high school, and it’s not really a subject that most people would consider an exciting way to waste time on a Friday afternoon. Well, slap me silly, Fantastic Contraption proves that physics can indeed be fun!

The goal is simple: assemble your contraption in the work area (the light blue box) and propel the pink wheel into the pink box. You’re provided only a handful of simplistic components with which to build – wheels, a water-drive rod, and sticks. Assemble them like a caveman MacGuyver to reach the goal, and move on to the next level! The physics is surprisingly realistic, and the game can get quite challenging.

Registering allows you to create and save levels, and you’re given given a url that links directly to your creation so you can frustrate your friends. Unfortunately, playing other user’s saved games requires a $10 registration fee, but you’ll have plenty of fun playing the free levels.