Archive for the ‘MultiSite’ Category

USniff Offers Fast, Multi-Site Torrent Searches

August 21, 2008

If you’re after torrent downloads, chances are you’re searching Piratebay, IsoHunt, Mininova, and possibly a few others. Why not save yourself time and effort and search them all in one place?

USniff provides a nicely styled web 2.0 interface for multi-site torrent searches and allows you to query up to eight sites simultaneously. Results load extremely quickly, and I was pleased to see that they sort by number of seeds by default.

It’s ajax, so filtering and re-sorting your results is almost instant. The design is totally clean so far, there’s not even a single banner ad in sight. You’ll still have to click through to the actual tracker, of course, to grab the actual torrents. USniff doesn’t host anything…blah blah blah…insert usual torrent search engine disclaimer here.

For anyone looking for multiple options to download that new Ubuntu release (since you’re all using torrents for purely legal downloads, of course!), take a gander at USniff.